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Power Diary Tutorials

Videos and instructions about how to use Power Diary

Superbills (US)

Note: The SETUP menu has been renamed to SETTINGS.

Video Tutorial Transcript

Danielle from Power Diary

Hey, Power Diary friends, Danielle here! So I come to you today to talk about something that’s super important to our US customers – The Superbill! That’s right, we now have this functionality within the Power Diary platform and I’m super excited to walk you through it today. 

To accompany this video, I’ve got a great help article that walks you through all the things that you need to add to your account, so that you can properly generate a superbill. Everything from adding the licensing information to your practitioners to setting up insurance so that you can add it to your clients’ profile, to creating services with the appropriate CPT codes that will tie back to the treatment of the patient’s diagnosis and then adding the diagnosis to the patient’s account with the appropriate ICD-10 code. And then last, but not least, I will show you

how now to generate a superbill. So to do this, I’m going to go ahead, I’m going to walk you through a few of the setup features but I’m not going to walk through them, all so please reference that article, it’s all really easy. I can do it, I know you guys all can too, so let’s go ahead and let’s get started.



All right, so I’ve already generated a superbill but I want to show you some of the setup stuff. So the first thing, I’m going to go ahead to do is go to Services. Now over here, I’ve gone ahead and created a service tied back to a specific CPT code. In this case, the psychological monitoring treatment, this is the code that is associated with it and this is the description of that treatment. And then, I’ve gone ahead and put a cost, I’ve, you know, if you want to increase the price, whatever you want to do again, you add it all here and you save. All right, now I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to go down to my clients and we are looking at Bob’s account today. We’re going to go ahead and go to Billing because now I want to go ahead and give him his diagnosis on his account. So you go Billing, you go Billing setup and right here, in the extra invoice info, this is where you’re gonna put that ICD 10 code and this is the code for his treatment. Now this will display on his invoice. Now additionally, you can go ahead and do this for insurance and we want to, so it’s already on here, it will display. We’re going to set that as our default for him and we’re going to update all his future and past invoices and that is all good. Now let’s go ahead and let’s generate that Superbill. So you go down here to Statement/Superbill, you go ‘New Statement Superbill’ and you select a time period to which you want that Superbill to be generated. Now as you saw when I was on my other screen, I had some superbills already generated, so any super bill that you generate is always going to display

there. So if you want to look months back, you can go ahead and do that. You’re going to ‘Show invoice and payments’ and voila – these are all the services that he has received from us. I’m going to scroll all the way down, I’m going to go ‘Create statement’ and here it is. So you go simply here, you go ‘Print’ and now we’re going to see a pdf of that, as you can see, we’ve got the insurance information, we’ve got what his diagnosis is, we have all of the appropriate licensing information for our provider, you’ve got the billing period or the period of time that happened with, and all of the treatments. So fantastic, with the appropriate code, with the appropriate description, all there you can download it or you can then go ahead and email it. Now my only thing is for you guys please remember when you’re emailing your clients, you want to make sure that you are sending it to your client and not to somebody else. Because remember with HIPAA and all the compliance issues you should be very careful I would probably suggest downloading it and printing it and handing it to the client themselves but that is up to you, just be very understanding and aware of when you’re sending your emails. And guys, that is it like I said it, is super easy, please reference back to that help article if you need help setting up all those other things everything from insurance to the services to making sure you’ve got the practitioners’ information correctly on their profile and until next time. I will see you, guys, later. Bye, bye.

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