Helping practices be successful is at the core of everything we do at Power Diary. We truly believe we can only ever be successful if our customers are successful. Whilst free trials are great, it is often hard to tell if a Practice Management Software is right for your practice until you’ve used it for several months or even more.
No Tricks, Catches or Lock-In Contracts
We think these strategies are fundamentally unfair to practices. We want people to use Power Diary because they love the system, and enjoy the differences it makes to their practice, not because they’re locked into a contract, or are worried about cancellation fees or accessing their data.
We understand that deciding which Practice Management System is right for your practice can be a confusing and difficult task. Our goal is to make it as simple and risk-free as possible. It is too easy for software providers to make all sorts of claims and promises in an attempt to convince people to commit to using their particular system. Many software providers often require new customers to subscribe for a minimum period or lock them in by offering a (non-refundable) repayment for a year in exchange for a small discount. To discourage customers from leaving, some systems even charge account cancellation fees, data export fees, or prevent data from being exported altogether!
Our ‘Happy Customers Forever’ Initiative gives YOU the Power
Power Diary introduced our industry-first ‘Happy Customers Forever’ Initiative over 9 years ago and have offered it continuously ever since. Happy Customers Forever has four key pillars that are designed to provide complete freedom and peace-of-mind:
100% Money Back Guarantee for a full 12 Months
All Power Diary accounts are covered by a 100% money-back guarantee for a full 12 months. This means you can start your account now and use it as much as you like. If at any time during the next 12 months you think it isn’t the right fit for you can just cancel your account and we’ll refund 100% of any subscription fees you’ve paid so far. Think of it as a 12-month test drive!
Pay Monthly, as-you-go
Power Diary accounts are simply paid monthly as-you-go. There are no setup fees, annual prepayments, renewal fees, or support charges. Unlike most systems, Power Diary does not require customers to pre-pay for SMS use. Rather than having money tied up in pre-purchased ‘SMS credits’ with Power Diary, your SMS use is invoiced retrospectively. This means you’ll only ever pay for SMS after you’ve actually used them. (In some cases, you’ll also need to pay monthly for a dedicated SMS number if you wish to use this service.)
Export your Data, Anytime
Your data always belongs to you. You can export a full copy of your data anytime using the data export tool that is available in all accounts. This is completely free and easy to do. You won’t even need assistance from the Support Team (although naturally, we’re happy to help if you need a hand.)
No Lock-in Contracts, Minimum Periods or Account Cancellation Fees
We don’t believe in lock-in contracts, minimum periods, or cancellation fees. You can cancel your account at any time and without any notice period.
We think these four pillars are central to ensuring we deliver a system that adds value to practices every single day and results in having truly Happy Customers Forever. (See what our customers are saying about Power Diary here)
Questions about our Money-Back Guarantee?
Can I change my plan size during the 12 months and still be covered by the guarantee?
Yes, absolutely! You can increase or decrease your plan anytime and it won’t affect your guarantee. You’ll still be 100% covered for any subscription fees you’ve paid.
Will I still be covered by the guarantee if Power Diary imports my data for me?
Yes! Our Data Import Service is free and comes with no strings attached.
Am I contracted in at all during the 12 month guarantee period?
No, not at all. We hope you don’t, but you can close your account at any time. You don’t need to wait until the end of the 12 month period.
Couldn’t someone just cancel their account every year, get a refund and then start a new account?
Errr, no! ? We are always happy to welcome customers back, but if a returning customer has previously claimed a refund under the guarantee then this amount is invoiced to their new account. We think that’s fair.
If someone is short of funds, couldn’t they just cancel their account?
Errr, no again! ? We have some common-sense restrictions on making claims which you can see in our terms and conditions. The spirit of the money-back guarantee is to ensure that the Power Diary software and service doesn’t disappoint you.
How do I request a refund under the guarantee?
It’s super simple. When closing your account just let us know you would like a refund and our Support Team will take care of it for you. In most circumstances refunds are provided by reversing the original payment/s to your card.
What is covered under the guarantee?
The guarantee covers any monthly subscription fees you’ve paid to us. It does not include an SMS fees or fees associated with the provision of an SMS number.
How can Power Diary afford to offer this? Is it sustainable?
People ask us this because of something called ‘churn’. Churn refers to the number of customers a software company loses over a given period, usually a month. High churn can be driven by a number of factors but is often associated with software companies that over-promise and under deliver, have substandard support, or disappoint their customers in other ways. Many software companies invest heavily in marketing to attract new users, and accept high levels of churn as just another cost of doing business, or attempt to reduce churn by locking customers in with contracts or non-refundable prepayments.
Because of our focus on Happy Customers Forever we take a different approach. We reinvest strongly in system development, reliability, security, IT infrastructure, and in providing friendly and accessible support to provide our customers with the best possible experience. Our goal is always to develop long-term relationships with our customers, and we are proud that this approach results in Power Diary having a very low rate of churn. In fact, over the nine years we’ve been offering this industry leading guarantee, Power Diary has grown to support thousands of practitioners across 23 countries. We think it’s sustainable ?
Have another question? Contact Us or click the Chat icon (in the bottom right corner of the screen) and ask away.