Practice Management Blog

How to Write a Client Termination Letter

In allied healthcare, there often comes a time when the therapeutic relationship reaches a natural conclusion. This could be due to the successful achievement of treatment goals, where individuals are empowered to manage their challenges with newfound skills. In other cases, reaching a safe and professional conclusion might be necessary due to non-compliance with treatment or safety concerns.

Regardless of the reason, navigating client termination effectively and concluding the therapeutic relationship in a professional manner is critical. It’s a moment that calls for clear and professional communication, ensuring both parties part ways with understanding and respect.

As psychotherapist Nancy McWilliams shares,

“A successful termination is as important as a successful beginning.“

In this article, we’ll explain how to navigate this process with a well-crafted client termination letter.

Steps to Writing a Client Termination Letter

Our guide to writing an effective therapy termination letter covers three stages: pre-drafting, writing the letter and additional tips to help ensure your success.

1. Before Drafting

Drafting a therapy termination letter is a simpler process if you understand the regulations governing your profession and have clearly defined the reason for termination.

Here’s our handy two-step guide to pre-drafting considerations.

Step 1: Review Practice Policies and Consider Options

To ensure compliance, your approach to therapy termination should be guided by relevant professional regulations and your practice’s policies.

Take these steps before you compose the termination letter:

  • Review client records and the relevant policies or guidelines dictated by your practice or governing body.
  • Consider alternatives to termination. These might include providing referrals to other professionals or offering reduced session frequencies if appropriate.
  • If necessary, discuss the proposed termination process with colleagues or supervisors to ensure alignment with professional and ethical standards.

Pro Tip:

Include your termination policies as part of your informed consent so that clients are aware of your policies from the outset. This can be worked into your practice manual.

Step 2: Consider the Reason for the Therapy Termination Letter

This may sound obvious, but identifying the reason for the therapy termination will dictate the tone and direction of the termination letter. Different circumstances may require different approaches.

Reasons for sending termination letters include:

  • The natural conclusion of treatment;
  • Non-attendance;
  • No contact – the client has not reached out or is unresponsive to your attempts to schedule another appointment;
  • Non-payment;
  • Abusive conduct or safety concerns.

Have therapy termination letter templates prepared for each scenario to streamline the process and eliminate writer’s block.

Pro Tip:

Tailor the language and tone of the letter to match the intent and seriousness of the situation.

For example, a letter concerning the successful completion of treatment goals may adopt a less formal tone compared to one addressing safety or abuse concerns.

2. The Client Termination Letter

Like any letter, a therapy termination letter has a beginning, middle and end.

Practice management systems may offer letter templates you can adapt to your practice’s needs, but knowing which details to include in each section simplifies the drafting process.


As you open your therapy termination letter, clearly state the letter’s purpose (for instance, Client Termination), and be sure to include the effective date of termination. Express appreciation for the client’s participation in your services.


In the body of the letter, briefly explain the reason for termination, using respectful and objective language.

Remember to:

Transition & Next Steps

Certain therapy termination letters may require a brief section on the next steps. This will not be the case for every client.

Common next steps include:

  • An offer to refer your client to other providers or resources.
  • A summary of the client’s remaining responsibilities regarding medical records and billing.
  • An opportunity for a final session to discuss the termination, if appropriate.


The closing section of your therapy termination letter shouldn’t be complicated.

Include the following steps:

  • Reiterate well-wishes for the client’s future well-being.
  • Sign off professionally with your contact information.
client termination letter template banner

3. Additional Tips

Let’s make sure your therapy termination letter is polished and effective.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Here’s how:

  • Keep the language of the termination letter clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  • Avoid using complex terminology or jargon that may confuse the client.
  • Aim for a straightforward style to ensure that the message is communicated effectively.

Proofread Carefully Before Sending

Take the time to thoroughly proofread the termination letter before sending it to the client.


  • Check for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Ensure the content accurately reflects the intended message and is free from ambiguity or confusion.
  • Tip: Read the letter aloud to ensure it reflects the correct tone for the reader.

Document the Process & Keep a Copy for Your Records

Document the termination process and keep a copy of the letter for your records for accountability and compliance with legal and ethical standards.

You should:

  • Maintain a record of the termination process, including the drafting and sending of the termination letter.
  • Keep a copy of the letter in the client’s file for documentation purposes.
  • Document any discussions or agreements related to the termination to ensure clarity and accountability.

Consider Sending the Letter by Certified Mail

Send the termination letter by Certified Mail if it’s essential to have a record of delivery for legal or administrative purposes.

Certified Mail provides proof of mailing and delivery, which can be valuable in case of disputes or discrepancies.

Ethical Considerations of a Termination Letter to Client

As with every other aspect of client relationships, maintaining ethical standards is fundamental. Let’s explore key considerations to ensure a respectful and fair process for both you and your client.

Respect the Importance of Client Confidentiality & Privacy

Avoid disclosing sensitive or privileged information in your client’s therapy termination letter, and safeguard their records and information in accordance with ethical guidelines and legal requirements. Check you have your client’s explicit consent before including any sensitive information.

If you can take the right steps during the intake process, you pave the way for a smoother termination process with:

Avoid Discriminatory or Insensitive Language

In your termination letter, use language that’s inclusive, respectful and free from discrimination or bias. This will help to ensure that the termination letter reflects sensitivity to the client’s circumstances and experiences. If you feel uncertain about how your letter will be interpreted, then ask a peer or a supervisor to review it before you send it to your client.

Ensure a Fair & Respectful Termination Process

Conduct the termination process in a fair, transparent and respectful manner, and provide the client with an opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and concerns about the termination.

Be open to feedback and dialogue, and address any questions or uncertainties the client may have to avoid the potential for inadvertently creating a sense of abandonment in the client. A well-written therapy termination letter will facilitate this effort.


Clear and professional communication throughout the therapy termination process is important for maintaining trust and respect in therapeutic relationships. By adhering to ethical standards and employing the tips outlined in this guide, practitioners can navigate terminations with confidence and integrity.

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